Boost your traffic and generate new customers at the point of sale with local digital advertising.
Thanks to advanced targeting capabilities and data-driven audience enrichment, local digital advertising is becoming the first option for local advertisers.
Whether we're talking about display, Facebook, Google, Waze or SMS, the potential for local communication is truly limitless.
While this may seem simple to implement for a single store, the complexity increases considerably, and becomes time-consuming when managing a network of over 200 stores.
This white paper sets out the essential questions to consider before embarking on this strategy, whether you're a network brand or a franchise.
The Ramp is the #1 solution for managing local digital advertising for network retailers and FMCG brands.
By simplifying access to all digital inventory, The Ramp enables the network headquarter, or each individual outlet, to launch local campaigns in line with the brand's catchment areas, creative assets and audiences.